First Baltimore Church (1907-)
The Gospel Messenger April 13, 1907 page240 Vol. 46 No. 15 The Fulton Ave. Church, Baltimore, MD. By consent of the Meadow Branch church, the Brethren of Northwest Baltimore church met in special council, Marcy 22, 1907. For the purpose of organizing as a church. The following elders were present: E. W. Stoner, chairman; C. D. Bonsack, reading clerk; A. P. Snader, writing clerk; W. M. Wine. It was decided that all who reside within the visiting limits of the Fulton Avenue church, and who agree to work in harmony with the decisions of the Annual conference, may vote. Bro. E. W. Stoner was elected as the elder for one year. Brethren J. S. Geiser and W. T. Miller were chosen as delegates to represent the Fulton Avenue church at district meeting. Bro. J. S. Geiser was elected to the ministry and Brethren Theo. E. Geltnacker and D. B. Angel were elected deacons. The brethren here are full of zeal. They have a good house and a pleasant place of worship. Situated in this large city, they have a great opportunity to do much good. The simplicity of the Gospel, as taught by the Brethren, should be held up before the people in more of the large cities. A. P. Sander, Clerk. March 22. |