Wichita: First (East) (1879-)
Brethren at Work July 28, 1879 page 7 Vol. IV No. 31 From Abilene, Kansas. According to promise, I Will, after a long delay, say we met with brethren and sisters, December 11th, 1878, in company with Brother Jacob Buck, in council, in Sedgwick County, Kansas, eight miles north-east of Wichita, at the house of Brethren William Funk. After the usual devotional exercises, the object of the meeting was made known by the writer, by Elder Buck’s request; and after a few introductory remarks, the voice of the members present was taken for organization, which was unanimous. The voice also was a unity to have Brother William Funk restored to his former standing as minister in the second degree, with the understanding that this body of brethren and sisters will keep house together in gospel order. The organization was effected, and named the Wichita Church. It will be highly appreciated by the members of this church, to have frequent visits from other districts. Ministers traveling in Kansas by way of Wichita, make a note of this; you will find a brother’s home with Brother and Sister Fund.
The Gospel Messenger April 13, 1886 page 236 Vol. 24 No. 15 Notes from the Field On the 13th of March I boarded the train for Towanka, Butler Co., Kan., to attend a council-meeting in the Wichita congregation. After disposing of the special business, the propriety of dividing the district was taken up, and by the unanimous consent of the members in both ends of the congregation, it was agreed to make the county line between Sedgwick and Butler counties the division of the congregation. The members in the west end, Sedgwick county, retain the original name, those in Butler county are to be called the Butler county church. The Brethren in each congregation number about fifty members. In the east, or Butler county church, they have a good meeting-house in the city of Augusta. Ministering brethren traveling on the Frisco line of railroad, will be made to welcome by stopping at Augusta. The brethren in the Wichita district have a good meeting-house at Ritchie Cemetery, five miles east of Valley Center, on the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R., leading from Newton to Wichita, and ten and one-half miles northeast from Wichita. Brethren, who want good homes in this part of Kansas, will find themselves among the Brethren here. Come and see. On the 18th on March, I boarded the brain on the Southern Kansas railroad, for Medicine Lodge, Barbour Co., Kan. Was met by Bro. Jacob Root, and taken eight miles north to the Mingona school-house. Where the brethren had meeting appointed. Had a crowded house, there being some that could not get in; we had very attentive audience. After meeting I was taken four miles north to Bro. Daniel Firestone’s where I was entertained kindly for the night. On the 19th, met the member here in council, for the purpose of organizing. The organization was effected unanimously. The members decided to call the church the Elm Creek church. There are thirty-five members here, and three speakers, viz. Bro. Joseph Glick, from Holt Co., Mo., Bro. Wm. Smith, from Marshal Co., Kan., and Bro. M. Ennis, from Arkansas. These brethren are all in the second degree of the ministry, and all good workers. May our heavenly Father bless their united efforts in the vineyard, and may much good be done in their field of labor. There being but one deacon in number, it was decided to hold a choice for one deacon. The lot fell upon our beloved brother, Daniel Firestone. May the Lord help him to “use the office of a deacon well, and gain a good degree, and great boldness in the faith.” They chose your correspondent as their organization. I have attended within the last seven months. May the good work continue in southern Kansas, and throughout the Brotherhood. On my return home, I stopped at Crisfield, Harper Co., Kan., and was met by Bro. w. R. Rowell, and taken to this home. Held three meetings in the school-house near Bro. R’s. Bro. R. is a minister in the first-degree, who moved from this (Slate Creek) church. Two years ago. Arrived home safely and found all well. Thank God for his goodness. Many thanks to the dear ones who so much to make me comfortable while among them. John Wise. |