Walton Church (1898-1912)
The Gospel Messenger July 23, 1890 page 461 Vol. 36, No. 29 From the Walton Church, Kansas June 18, the members of this place met in council for the first time. Elder A. M. Dickey and M. Keller being with us, an organization was effected and the new organization is called Walton church. Bro. D. A. Sheaks was elected and installed into the office of deacon; Bro. Andrew Miller was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Sister Leah Miller was chosen solicitor and the writer secretary and correspondent. We decided to have preaching every two weeks and Sunday school every Sunday. We also decided to hold a feast some time abut September or October and a series of meetings in connection. Our membership is small. – only fifteen, - but the Lord has promised to be with even the few. As we have no churchhouse we hold our meetings in a schoolhouse. We have an evergreen Sunday school and use the Brethren’s literature. We are anxious to have Brethren settle with us, and hope the Lord will send us helpers in the good work just begun. Bro. A. M. Dickey was chosen as our Elder. July11 D. Shomber |