Victor Church (1902-59?)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 8, 1902 page 716 Vol. 41 No. 45 Victor. – The members of the southwest part of Osborn County met in special council Oct. 25 for the purpose of being organized into a separate body. Bro John Hollinger, of Russell, and Bro. William Himes, of Dorrance, took charge of the work. There was an election held for a minister and deacon. Bro. C. S. Hoff was chosen minister and Bro. L. J. Porter deacon. Thirty-five members were organized in the Victor. Our Sunday school is prospering nicely under the charge. Our Sunday school is prospering nicely under the charge of Bro. L. M. Hoff. – E. M. Daggett, Covert, Kans., Oct. 27.