Verdigris Church (1882-)
Brethren at Work Feb. 2, 1882 page 7 Vol. 7 No. 5 From Chas. M Yearout. The Cottonwood congregation met in council not long since. Brethren James Hilkey and brother Christian Flory were present. Considerable business was transcribed, among which was the dividing of the Cottonwood church. The north half still retains is old name, while the south half is called the Verdigris church. Each church has a membership of about twenty-four. The north half has two minister (brother Lewis Flock in the second degree and S. A. Smith in the first degree) and two deacons. Brother James Hilkey is their elder. The south half has two ministers (David W. Stoner and the writer) and three deacons. We have no house-keeper at this time. We are weak in number, but we trust strong in the faith. Love and union prevail among us. We have six appointments each month. Hope the time is not far in the future when many souls shall enlist in the army of King Emmanuel; and with his children fight the good fight of faith. Our little is firm for the Brotherhood. Brethren traveling or hunting homes in the West, will please give us a call. We have a fine country. The land is rich and fertile along the Verdigris river. Several good farms for sale here at this time. We have had a very pleasant open Winter up to this time. The B. at W. is a weekly visitor at our house, and is always welcome. It always brings us good news about Zion and her King. Brethren, remember us in your prayers. God bless every means put forth fort for the advancement of the good cause. – Madison, Kansas.
The Gospel Messenger09-23-1899 p 589 Vol. 37 No. 37 Verdigris—We met Aug. 26 in quarterly council. Bro, A. L. Pearsal, our elder, was present. There was a good attendance. Our new churchhouse is about completed. We expect to dedicate it Oct. 15. We will hold our love feast the day following. —J. M. Quakenbush, Sept. 7.
The Gospel Messenger12-16-1899 p 780 Vol. 37 No. 49 Verdigris—We met in council Dec, 2. and transacted considerable business. It was the first council held in the new church, which was dedicated Oct. 15, Bro. A. L. Pearsol, of Dunlap, was present. We received two by letter. Eld. George S. ine has located with us. His address will be Madison. Greenwood Co., Kans., instead of Bolivar, Mo. At our Thanksgiving meeting we received $15.21 for the needy in India. We have preaching twice a month at the church, Sunday school at 10 A. M., social meeting at 7; 30 P. M., prayer meeting Wednesday evening.- J. M. Quakenbush, Olpe, Kans., Dec. 4,
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 8, 1885 page 573 From Vermillion Church, Marshall County, Kansas. We held our regular quarterly council on Aug. 1st, and the annual visit was reported. All was found to be in love and union, and no complaints were brought in. We had our harvest meeting, Aug. 15th, and one was baptized. One, also, was baptized in June, and two were received by letter this summer. On the 22 ad and 23rd we had our lovefeast, and it was one of joy and comfort to the soul. Brethren A. W. Austin and M. M. Eshelman, of Republic county, were with us; also Henry Brubaker (our elder), of Gage county, Neb.; Aaron Berkeybile and B. F. Flory, of Pawnee county. Neb.; Charles Hooper, of Sabetha, P. Eisenbise, John Eby, and D. Fry, of Morrill, Kan.; and Mohler, of Mo. On the 23rd, we had a choice for a speaker and two deacons. Bro. Harvey Brouhard was chosen for speaker. May the Lord help him to discharge his whole duty! Brethren John Rink and Ephraim Barringer were chosen for deacons. Brethren N. F. Brubaker and William Smith think of moving South in the spring. A. Z. Gates. Beaitie, Kan., Aug. 28(h, 1885.