Topkea Church (1893-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 19, 1893 page 798 Vol. 31 No. 50 Chips from the Work-House I have just returned from Topeka, the capital and chief of Kansas, where, on Saturday night, Nov. 25, about thirty members, living in the city and immediate vicinity were, by elders J. A. Root and J. S. Mohler organized into what is now to be known as the First Brethren church of Topeka, Kans. The territory embraces the City of Topeka and immediate vicinity, with the understanding that the members, living about fifteen miles west of the city, near St. Mary’s and Rossville (and who were not present at the organization) should be counted in, provided they so desire and satisfactory arrangements could be made with them. An election was held for two deacons, resulting in the choice of John Taylor and Isaac Holderman. Eld. J. S. Mohler, of Morrill, Kans, who is at present holding a series of meetings for them, was chosen elder to take charge of the congregation. A. W. Vaniman and wife, of McPherson Kans, are living at present in the city, where they are attending the Medical College for the purpose life work among the people of India, for which they have been designated by the General Missionary Committee. A. W. preaches for this church at their regular appointments twice each Lord’s Day. A majority of the members live in Oakland, about three miles east of the main part of the City of Topeka, where also is their meeting-house. Electric street-cars run regularly from the main part of the city within half a block of the meeting-house. They have also a live Sunday school and prayer meeting. two have made application for baptism during this series of meetings closed. Thus the good work of the Lord goes on Daniel Vaniman Nov. 27