Spring Creek Church (1889-?)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 24, 1889 page 606 Vol 27 No. 606 From the Field On the last day of August we commenced preaching at the Wassam school-house, near Reece, Greenwood Co., Kans.., and continued over two Sundays. The Communion services which we had were something new there. Two were added by baptism and a church organized. A young brother Peter Nelson, formerly a minister in the United Brethren church was elected to the ministry, and J. J. Wassan to the deacon’s office. Eld. D. Stouder assisted. The church was name Spring Creek. Thus there is another branch added to the Southern District of Kansas. G. W. Studebaker.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 19, 1889 page 733 A Brief History of the Spring Creek Church, Kansas In April of 1888 Bro. P. R. Wrightsman came to us and baptized my companion and self; then preached once a month until December and up to that time baptized eight. Then we had no more preaching by Brethren till in May, when Eld. G. W. Studebaker, of Fredonia, Kansas, came and preached a few times through the summer. During the latter part of September, he and Elder Stouder, of Madison, Kans. (who has the care of that church) conducted a series of meetings here and organized a church. Oct. 26 Bro. Studebaker came again. On Sunday night some of his labor began to bear fruit, for next day two were baptized. As Bro. Studebaker grows older, his zeal seems to increase. He is out doing mission work a good part of his time, laboring faithfully for Lord. J. J. Wassam