Solomon Church Valley (1874-1879)
The Pilgrim Jan 12, 1875 page 28 Vol. VI No. 2
Osborne City, Kan. Brother Brumbaugh:- Desirous of having a Pilgrim to read, I have seated myself to make my desire known, and also to state our spiritual wants, how they are, and have been supplied. Early last spring myself and companion complied with the scripture in this that we were baptized – and some few more in the neighborhood, on the same day, by brother Allen Ives from Jewell Co., this state. He came here by some one’s request and preached a sermon on the conversion of Cornelius. We had our eyes opened then and three brethren and two sisters were added by baptism, that is, including myself and companion. Brother Ives was the first of the brethren I ever heard preach and his labors were blessed. We then continued to serve our Master as well as we knew how and practiced just what we believed to be right according to scripture, or according to the knowledge we had of the scripture. About the middle of June the brethren had a Lovefeast at Salem, Jewell Co., Kan. About forty-five miles from our place. I had never seen anything like it, and wishing to be with the brethren, I concluded to meet then there, and while I was the enjoyed myself beyond all expectations. During my stay there the church now called the Solomon Valley church was formed, comprising part of Osborne and Smith counties, in other works, what is west of Jewell county, and our worthy brother David Brumbaugh was placed as shepherd over the flock. We now have a church organization and have three regular appointments. The first Sunday of each month at Bethany, Osborne Co., on the north side of the north Fork of the Solomon river. On the second Sunday at brother Daniel Schook’s eight mile west of Cawker city, also on the north Fork of the Solomon river, and then the fourth Sunday at my house, they are eight miles apart any way, and being without a team it often happens that we cannot all go. Our wish is to be always with the brethren and under their teachings, there are three families of us here between the Forks of the North and South Solomon, about three miles east of Osborne city. One sister receives the Pilgrim and we all read it. We can hardly wait one on the other. It goes the round regular every week, and it so happens because I am the farthest away that I am the last one to receive it, and as I do not see how I can well do with out the advice of the Pilgrim, I have concluded rather to suffer in some other way than to do without it. Seeing in the number dated Dec. 1, a “Charity Offer” I thought I would embrace the same, so that I might not have to wait so long to read it. I do believe that we can rightly be included in the district which was distressed by the grasshoppers. I hope that your labors may be blessed and that much good may be done, and that the welcome Visiter may soon come to my family. J. W. Landis.;
Primitive Christian June 12, 1877 page 363 Brother, D. O. Brumbaugh, of Bethany, Osborne county, Kansas, says: The church in which I now reside has been cut off from the White Rock Church, Jewel Co. This arm was then called the Solomon Valley church. W. H. Landis was then called to the office of deacon. That Summer we baptized two. The next year we had a lovefeast and W. H. Landis was called to the ministry, and John Fuller and W. B. Hymes were elected deacons. Received at that time eight by baptism. Last year we had a lovefeast and W. H. Lands was advance to the second degree in the ministry, and John Fuller and W. B. Hymes elected to the ministry, and Joseph Morrow and Daniel Hook to the deaconship. Received by baptism up to this time fifteen. We now number four ministers, and three deacons. We received six by baptism this Spring. We expect a bountiful harvest, both temporally and spiritually. Our field of labor is large, but by the graced of God we will keep the work moving onward.