Soldier Creek Church (1877-1914)
The Pilgrim Oct. 5, 1875 page 636 Vol. VI No. 40 Rotterdom, Kan. Sept 17th, 1876 Bro. Brumbaugh: I drop you a few lines to let you know that I am still in life and health up to this time. I left my home at Falls city, August 26th, in company with a number of other brethren and sisters, for Jackson Co., Kansas, where we had appointed to meet with the members of that place on the 28th to organize a church, and to hold a communion meeting on the 28th, but on account of the heavy rain we had to defer both meetings, one day later, when we made a partial organization. Two were called to the deaconship, and others received by baptism. This church is called the Soldier Creek church, and had 40 members when it was organized. I think 57 communed, and I think they all thought it was good for them to be there. Elder J. Lichty and S. C. Stump, was with the writer at this meeting and C. Forney and Jacob Hawnalso ministers. After several days meeting I came on my way to the Abilene church, Dickinson county, Kan., where we met with church on Saturday the 4th of September. Had communion and Abram Bare was called to the ministry in the first degree. S. Davis and S. Sutter to the deaconship. Also meeting next day. Michael Forney was advanced to the second degree of the ministry and several baptized. We had what I called a good refreshing time. Then I went to Oak Hill, Clay Co Had several meeting. Here are a few members, and should have a minister. Then I came to Republic County, Kansas, met with the brethren in Council on the 9th, and on the 11tj the church at this place called the Mill Creek church, met on Salt Creek near the county seat, to hold a Lovefeast. Here we met some 18 or 20 brethren and sisters. From the Bethel church, Thayer and Filmore counties, Nebraska, and we had a feast of love, indeed and I am happy to say this church is in union. The ministers present at this meeting were, Elder S. Stump, Allen Ives and the writer. Also two young ministers in the first degree. B. Stump and T. Vanburen from Filmore were present all their home ministers. There were several added to the church by baptism, one young Newlight minister, Here Lewis Gorden was called to the ministry in the first degree, and Daniel Smith, Joseph McLenich and Bro. Telison, deacons. From thence we came to Jewel Co., in company with A. Ives and S. C. Stump. Had some meetings in different places by the way, up to this date 17th. We had purposed to be with the brethren to-night in the forks between the two Solomon rivers at a Lovefeast, but as we could not cross on account of high water, and bridges all washed away, we concluded to stay with Bro. Walter in his comfortable dugout- and preach for him and his neighbors this evening. May be the river will fall by morning that we can go to the feast. I may tell you that in the future. Yours in Christian love, J. Forney. |