Scott Valley (1887 - )
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 6, 1887 page 558 From The Cedar Creek Church, Kan. This church has found it necessary to divide her territory; the line was decided upon and the west part of the district struck off. It is now fully organized, and will be known hereafter as the Scott’s Valley Church. They have meeting every Sunday; also a lively Sunday-school conducted by Bro. J. M. Miller. May they, as a church, continue to maintain the principles of our beloved Fraternity. G. E. Wise. Mt. Ida, Kan., Aug. 21.
The Gospel Messenger10-02-1894 p 618 Vol. 32 No. 39 Westphalia, Kans.—The new church house in the Scott Valley congregation, Coffey County, Kansas will be dedicated Nov. 4, The love feast will be held Nov. 8. commencing at 2 P. M. — John M. Miller, Sept. 18
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 30, 1909 page 80Among the Churches In Kansas Jan. 1, I started to the Scott Valley church. Bro. C. A. Miller, who met me at Burlington, and took me out to his pleasant home, was chosen elder over the congregation last spring, and has just recently located there. According to previous arrangements, Bro. S. E. Lantz arrived in due time. Jan. 2, we met with his church in council. The elder having called for help in the ministry, and the deacons asking for help, Bro. Lantz, and the writer took charge of the meeting. Taking the voice of them of the members, we found them willing to hold a choice for a minister and two deacons. The scripture was read and commented upon. After taking the voice of the members, we reported to the church, that the decision was to install two into the ministry instead of only one. The lot fell on Brethren Frank Smith and John Sherfy, Jr. We then took the voice for deacons, which resulted in electing Brethren Harry Smith and Jacob Studebaker. There were all duly installed into their respective offices. Sunday morning we attend their interesting Sunday school, after which Bro. Lantz preached in an earnest and impressive manner. In the evening the writer addressed a very interesting congregation. Jan. 4, Bro. C. A. Miller and self accompanied Bro. Lantz to his home congregation, there being a call there for help in the ministry, and also in deacon's office. Jan. 5 23 met with them in council. The voice of the church resulted in calling Bro. Ralph Quakenbush to this responsible portion, and Bro. G. Shirkey, to the deacon's office. More