Sand Creek Church (1885-?)
The Gospel Messenger June 2, 1885 Page 348 Vol. 23, No. 22 From Burr Oak, Kan. This will inform you that we, wife and I, left our home, May 2, for Norton Co., Kan. Traveled through Smith county and visited some members on the way. Found the brethren and sisters in Norton somewhat despondent, yet willing to work. Preached six sermons and had one council-meeting. Left the church at Norton in good spirits, apparently, and very much encouraged. From there we went to Rook and Graham counties. There we found a band of six sister and five brethren, making eleven members, requesting to be organized. Bro. John Hollinger met us at that place on Wednesday, May 13, and joined us in the work. Thursday we made the annual visit; found the members all in unison and requesting to be organized, and that we should preach to them an hold a communion with them. This we did, and the little body of eleven members held an election for a speaker and one deacon, Bro. Schuyler Warner being duly elected to ministry, Bro. Shear to the deacon’s office; both being installed in their office Lord’s Day morning, Bro. John Hollinger preached John White’s funeral. Also preached on Sunday evening, making five sermons. After appointing two meetings a month, took our leave for home, Monday morning, the 18th. Visited some brethren and preached one sermon at Porter. On the 20th delivered one sermon at Crystal Plains. From there went home the 22nd; found the family all well; peace and union generally prevails amongst us. Allen Ives. |