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Newton Church
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 8, 1885 p. 573 Vol. 23, No. 36
From Newton, Kansas.
The newly organized body in our county, namely, Harvey, now exists as the
Newton church. Our organization was effected Aug. 18th., according to
previous announcement. As we have had but one minister, and as the heads of a
few of our deacons are whitening with the frost of age, a call was made for help
in said offices--the lot of the former falling upon Bro. Levi Andes, and that of
the latter upon Bro. Jacob Miller. Our prayer to God is, that He may enable
those brethren, and all of us, to practice the forms of worship which He has
prescribed, and which, if performed aright, He has promised to bless. After the
organization we held our love-feast, which was surely a season of grace to all.
We feel truly grateful for the faithful teachings of the ministers, as well as
for the co-operation of the members of adjoining districts. We have about
thirty-four members in our body, and had about seventy communicants at the
Lord's table.
Or meetings commences on Saturday evening before the love-feast, in Newton,
Walton, and our preaching precincts northwest of Newton. They were conducted by
Brethren John Forney, Jacob Trostle, Daniel Hollinger, and John Wise. Bro. Wise
had intended to continue the meetings over the next Lord's day, after the
communion; but as "God's ways are not our ways," he was called to preach the
funeral sermon of Bro. Samuel Funk, of Sedgwick Co., and had to conclude on
Wednesday eve. Bro. John was happily greeted, after his first sermon, by a
number of Newton citizens, who took him by the hand, and declared themselves
warm friends of the Dunkards.
The evidence of God's blessing upon our infant church was a cause of much
rejoicing to us. At our communion, four, who had lately moved among us, were
received into church-fellowship with us. On the following Sunday, two young
brethren were received by baptism. We hope that the conversion of the two is
accompanied by the pardon of sin and a new life, as we have reason to believe it
In behalf of this infant church, we ask an interest in the prayers of God's
people, that we may, one and all, fear and love, trust and acknowledge, call on and
praise the Lord our God.
Eli Roose, Sec.