Rock Creek Church (1887 - 1979)
The Gospel Messenger June 7, 1887 page 347 Vol. 25, No. 22 From Rock Creek Church, Nemaha Co., Kan. The Sabetha church met in council on the 10th of May, and decided to divide the Sabetha congregation into two separate churches. The new district was organized May 17, according to the order of the Brethren, at the Rock school-house, with the following officers present: J. S. Mohler, Daniel Fry, from Pony Creek church; Josiah Beeghly, from Garret Co., Md., and the home ministers. J. S. Mohler was elected Foreman, assisted by Josiah Beeghly and Daniel Fry. A vote was taken whether we would organize or not. It was unanimously decided to organize. The names of those were then taken who wished to become members of the new district. Twenty-three names were given in. The members were then asked whether they were all willing to be governed by the general order of the Brethren, which was unanimously consented to. The new organization will be known as the Rock Creek church, Kan. Bro. J. S. Mohler was elected to have the oversight of the church. A Treasurer and Solicitor were appointed. Bro. E. Cober was chosen to represent the church at A. M. The meeting closed with best of feelings, and many thanks to the brethren who assisted in the work of organization.