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Prairie View Church
The Gospel Messenger July 19, 1887 page 446 Vol. 25, No.
From Prairie View Church, Kan.
The above new organization was begun June 25th, but for want of time was not
completed until July 1st. It was effected under the careful management of Elders
Enoch Eby and Lemuel Hillery.
The name given this little body of believers we think a very appropriate one,
as we indeed have a grand prairie view over the wide-spread plains of western
Kansas. The above-named brethren held forth, in this vicinity, the plain and
simple teachings of our blessed Master for one week.
July 2nd, we were permitted to hold a very pleasant love-feast, by which, we
think, all were strengthened in the precious faith once delivered unto the
saints. Forty members communed. The best of order prevailed. It was the first
communion of the kind ever witnessed by some of the people of this country.
Elder Zaccheus Henricks, of Polo, Mo., was also with us.
The following is a list of our official brethren: Elder, Enoch Eby,
Hutchinson, Reno Co., Kansas. Ministers, Daniel Prough, Terryton, Finney Co.,
Kan.; John Holler, Scott, Scott Co., Kan.; Joshua P. Harshbarger (having just
arrived from Texas has not located yet but expects to remain with us); George W.
Armentrout, Dighton, Lane Co., Kan.; George Finkenbinder, Terryton, Finney Co.,
Kan. ; James Stover, Terryton, Finney Co., Kan. Two of the above-named ministers
are in the second degree. Deacons, Jesse Thomas, Sutton, Lane Co., Kan.; Jacob
Gauby, Terryton, Finney Co., Kansas.
The main body of members of this organization, live in Finney and Scott
counties, although there are several in Lane Co.
We think we have good soil, good water, and good people. We get water at
various depths, ranging from 25 to 100 feet.
Relinquishments can yet be had at a small cost, ranging from $200 to $500.
Scott, the county-seat of Scott Co., now has two railroads just completed.
Any one wishing to get the particulars of our county should write to any of
our brethren and we will gladly give you the same. There is still room for more
and we welcome you among us. F. A. VANIMAN.
Scott, Scott Co., Kan.