Pleasant View Church (1886-1967)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 27, 1891 page 51 Vol. 29 No. 4 Next day I preached three sermons for them and then left for Philips County, where I had arranged to meet Eld. John Ikenberry, of the Quinter church. I reached the home of Bro. J. W. Jarboe at 2 o’clock on the 6th, and had preaching the same night. Just at the closed of the meeting Eld. Ikenberry arrived in time to invoke a closing blessing. We continued meetings until Jan. 7th, when we met for church council, and after devotional exercises we transacted the following. 1. An explanation was given of the Gospel order of our faith and practices, as defined by Annual Meeting. 2. The above order being unanimously accepted by all, they agreed to labor to carry out and maintain the same. 3. all present being in peace and union, and united in the desire to be organized into a church capacity, they then were thing sat apart as a body of workers in the Master’s vineyard. Their membership comprises about sixteen souls, with Bro. J. W. Jarboe as their minister, and Bro. Samuel M. Shuck as their deacon. Bro. Daniel Ream was then chosen clerk and Bro. Sylvester Workman, Treasurer. The Phillips County line is their boundary. Thus one more vine has been planted in the Master’s vineyard. May it be nurtured by the gentle and inspiring moisture of heaven. May this little band become a nucleus around which many may cluster and thus become a formidable barrier against sin. Bro. Jarboe moved here lately from the Maple Grove church, Norton Co., and as a result of his labors their member has been increased about one-half. At the close of my labors, I started for home. I had a tedious trip. I arrived home on the morning of Jan. 10, and found all well, thanks to the Great Giver of all good. To the dear ones who administered to my wants, I returned heart-felt thanks. B. B. Whitmer. |