Pleasant Grove Church 1881 -1920
Brethren at Work 05-10-1881 p 284 Vol. 6 No. 18 From E. W. Flory. – We have very warm weather for the last few days. Had a very close Winter, and cold and late Spring. There was much snow and rain through the month of March but at this writing (April 16), it is quite day. Wheat is suffering very much for that want of rain; in fact, much of it has already perished, and if we don’t soon have rain, the crop will indeed be very light here; but the Lord know best. The leaves are coming out on the earlier tree and shrubs; wild flower are in bloom. Health, the greatest of all earthly blessings, is good. May we then be thankful for the blessing we receive. The church is in a fair standing as far as I can learn. Our church district, know as Washington Creek district, was divided at our late quarterly council, being more convenient in two districts. The territory was naturally divided by a creek or a large ravine, running through it North and South, making it the East and West side. The East side got the name of Pleasant Grove, the West side retaining the old name. Bro. James Hilky is elder in the former, Bro. Peter Brubaker in the latter congregation. The piece in No. 13 of the B. and W., headed, “The Ship All Right,” has the ring of the right sound, to my mind as far as I can understand. Our district meeting will be on the 14th of May, if I mistake not. It will be held eight miles South-west of Lawrence, Douglass Co., Kan. The 7th of May, A. Hutchinson, of Mo., contemplates to preach for us, and continue till after the district meeting. Our love to all the Brethren in the Lord. – Pleasant Grove, Ka., April 16. |