Paint Creek Church (Yellow Paint Creek) (1869-)
Christian Family Companion Nov. 8, 1870 p. 703 Vol. VI No. 44 Dear Companion: Through mistake the announcement of our Love feast did not appear; notwithstanding, it came off on the 8th and 9th of October, in the Yellow Paint church, Bourbon Co., Kansas and we had a very pleasant time. We had sound doctrine presented by brother Shoolt of Iowa; Elder Michael Bollinger of Illinois, and Elder I. Hershey of Kansas. There were two added by baptism at our council. We were organized last June a year. There are about 30 members, 2 deacons, and one speaker. A. C. Numer
Christian Family Companion and Gospel Visitor Nov. 10, 1874 page 718 Vol. 1 No. 45 October 17, 1874 Editor Companion and Visitor: As I love church news, perhaps some others may want to know how the little church of Yellow Paint Creek, Bourbon county, Kansas, is getting along. There is still a few added each year, and as was announced, our communion came off with the very best of order, and was well represented from abroad. Three elders – two Barnharts and Jesse Studebaker – and several other minister were present. There was a choice for a minister and the lot fell on brethren Wm. Stockmire, of Dayton, Kansas and W. W. Reynolds of Turkey Creek, Kansas, and for deacon, A. I. Kough, and ordained to the full ministry I. I. Hoover, and we also restated the old servant again. So, as it was we had only one, but now we have four speakers and some forty members. May each, in his office, be an approved workman, rightly dividing the word of truth. May we each work for our Master’s cause, and the object be to the saving of souls of the children of man. May we still inquire for the old paths, and walk therein, and if we are to be peculiar people, let us show that peculiarity that Christ desires and requires, by our walk, talk, and daily dealings, that we may so live, that when we come to die the Lord will say: “Well done good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, enter into the joy of thy Lord.” Adam C. Numer
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 10. 1921 p 773 Paint Creek. – Bro. A. J. Ellenberger, of Gardner, Kans, began a two weeks’ series of meetings Nov. 13. We had a good meeting. Six of our Sunday-school scholars were baptized. Nov. 26th, we held our communion service, and while the members were not all present, we had a splendid meeting. Visiting minister were Brethren D. P. Neher and L. G. Templeton, of McCune, Kans. Sunday morning, following Sunday-school, Bro. Ellenberger delivered the message, after which Bro. Lee Dadisman and wife were advanced to the eldership. Bro. D. P. Neher and L. G. Templeton had charge of this service. – Minerva Strohn, Redfield, Kans., Nov. 28. |