Ozawkie (Grasshopper Falls) (1862-1956?)
The Pilgrim Jan. 1, 1874 page 7 Vol. V No. 1 Dear brother Editor: - In looking over the Pilgrim I see that you solicit church news, and as I have never seen any correspondence from this arm of the church, I will try, in my weakness, to give a little sketch of the church here in Kansas, known as the Grasshopper Valley Church. This church was organized in the year 1863 with eight or ten members, by brother John Bowers of Douglass Co., and Wm. Gish, the latter being chosen our Elder. We now number 75 or 100, with six speakers and six deacons. We are situated in Jefferson Co., 35 miles west of Leavenworth City, and 35 miles east of Topeka, the capital of the State, and 5 miles east of Rock Creek Station, which is on the Atchison, Topeka and Santeffee railroad. We now make an appeal to the brethren that are traveling through the different States to make this one of their stopping places. Our brethren are still laboring for the good cause wherein they have been called, and when I hear them pleading so hard for sinners to turn from their wickedness and join in with the people of God, and still they give no heed, I sometimes think it would become discouraged. But then if they do their duty as watchmen, it is all that is required of them. Brethren and sisters, we should be engaged in offering up our brethren, that they may be able to declared the whole truth to a sinful and a dying world. Brethren and sisters, we should let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven. I sometimes think that we are getting too cold. O, can we not have that love for one another that our Savior had for us? If so, we can then say in truth that we are the children of God. Now brother Brumbaugh, I have been a reader of the Pilgrim for the last two years, and you can consider me a subscriber for 1874. Please continue sending it. I am trying to get subscribers ans will send them in as soon as possible. A. Pearsoll, Osawkee, Kansas |