Overbrook Church (1907-1936?)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 4, 1908 page 13 Overbrook Members of the Washington Creek church met in special council Dec. 21, and organized the Overbrook church. Eld. L. L. Hoover, assisted by Eld. C. M. Shoemaker, had charge of the work. All officers were elected for one year. Eld. Wm. Weybright is our elder in charge; Bro. Adam Hilkey, treasurer; Bro. B. O. Hoover, clerk; the writer, corresponding secretary, and Publishing House agent. We have preaching services twice each Sunday and live Sunday school, with Bro. B. O. Hoover, superintendent. We begin our work with three deacons, four ministers. (Three of them elders) and a total membership of 26. Bro. I. L. Hoover gave us an excellent Christmas sermon on Sunday. – Byron Talhelm, Overbrook, Kans., Dec. 23,
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 18, 1908 page 44 Washington Creek church met in regular council Dec. 9, with Eld. Wm. Weybright presiding. Brethren B. L. Hoover and C. A. Ward were elected Sunday-school superintendents. The Christian Workers’ meeting was organized, with Bro. W. A. Kinzie president. Bro. B. L. was chosen church correspondent. The Overbrook church was granted a separate organization for the Washington Creek church. At this meeting one dear soul was received back into the fold. Our Sunday-school and church services are progressing nicely. – B. L. Hoover, R. D. 1, Lone Star, Kans, Jan. 8