Olathe Church (1881-)
Brethren At Work Sept. 27, 1881 Page 592 Vol. 6 No. 37 Olathe, Kan., Sept. 17, 1881. The church assembled in council to transact some business in the house of the Lord. Elders Jesse Studebaker and James Hilkey were present, and fully organized our church by ordaining Isaac Studebaker to the eldership. A choice was held for one deacon. The lot fell on Bro. Jacob Vaniman. Isaac H. Crist.
The Gospel Messenger June 3, 1890 page 332 Vol. 28 No. 21 History of the Olathe Church, Johnson Co., Kans. About the year 1877, members began to move into the district now comprised by the Olathe church, but which then was a part of the Wade Branch church. as the district was large (comprising two Counties), the members were called together Aug, 3, 1882, and by the assistance of elders Jesse Studebaker, Jas. Hilkey and Geo. Myers, the church was organized and know as the Olathe church. The day of the organization Bro. Isaac Studabaker was ordained elder and J. P. Vaniman elected deacon. The rest of the officers were brethren Wm. Holsinger and Ben. Brubaker, in the second degree of the ministry, and I. H. Crist in the first degree. Brethren E. R Hertzler, Frank Holsinger and C Ii Meadow were the deacons. Twenty lay members, with the above officials, composed the body of the church. Sept. 15, 1884-, Bro. I. H. Crist was advanced to the second degree, brethren B. B. Whitmer and Geo. Myers being present. Several persons were received into the church by baptism daring the months of October and November, 1885. Sept. 12, 1885, I. S. Brubaker (now near Mitchell, Kansas) was elected speaker and Bro. J. E. Crist, deacon. Brethren Jesse Studebaker and Henry Frantz were present upon this occasion. The Olathe church, like many others, has had trials and difficulties. There was an objection to the ruling of the church, and a committee was called in August of 188G. Elders S. S. Mohler, John Wise and John Forney composed said committee. After hearing all complaints, objections, etc, the oversight of the church was given to S. S. Mohler. At a council-meeting Oct. 8, 1880, it was decided that the church keep a record of all business transacted at her council-meeting. Bro. Mohler labored with the church as elder till Feb. 1, 1888, and then asked the church to relieve him of the oversight, which was reluctantly done. Eld. George Myers was chosen to fill his place. Bro. I. H. Crist was ordained elder in November of 1888, and then Bro. Myers asked to be relieved as elder of this church. This being granted, Bro. I. H. Crist now has the oversight of the church, assisted in the ministry by brethren Wm, Holsinger, Geo. E. Wise, H. F. Crist and P. H, Hertzog. The territory of the Olathe church includes the whole of Johnson County. There are about fifteen members living near Rosedale, South-west of Kansas City, where the Brethren have regular preaching. Quite a number live near Olathe where there also is preaching twice each month, and Sunday-school each Sunday. About thirty members live near the church house, thirteen miles south-west of Olathe. Since the organization of the church, several have severed themselves from the body of Christ, which is a dangerous position to occupy. A good old brother told us, in one of his sermons last winter, that if an enemy came among us, all should stand firmly, that if one started to run, the enemy would be sure to make inroads upon us. Albert Sharp.