North Solomon Valley (1879-) Brethren At Work Feb. 24, 1880 page 7 Vol. V No. 8 From North Solomon Church, Kansas Dear Brethren.- In your paper, No. 50 there is a article headed, “Solomon Valley Church,” but does not give the name of the writer. The North Solomon Church met in council to-day. There is something wrong about this, for there is no church now in Kansas named Solomon Valley. The first church that was organized here was called Solomon Valley, but this church was divided, and now one is called South Solomon Church, and one North Solomon Church. The North Solomon Church met in council to-day and that article was read and the church does no feel satisfied as it was not sent from the North Solomon Church nor do we sanction some of the items contained in it. Please say what church and who it was that sent it, and we, the North Solomon Church would say that any brother that can come and preach and can show that he is in full fellowship with the Church will find a hearty welcome. We have now the central branch of R. R. running west from Atchison through Bethany, Osborne county. Any brother wishing to pay us a visit and will preach for us can drop a card to D. O. Brumbaugh, Bethany, Osborne county, Kansas, or Isaac Lerew, same office. Daniel Shook, Clerk. |