Salem Community Church (Ninescah) (1878-)
Primitive Christian and Pilgrim June 4, 1878 page 350 Vol. II No. 22 From Rice Co., Kansas Brethren Editors: Bro. Buck, from Green, Wood Co., was here May 11th, and formed an organization of brethren and sisters in Rice, Reno, and Sedgwick counties. – The organization this called the Ninescah Church. The brethren feel greatly encouraged to think they will have the truth preached as it was once delivered to the Saints. The brethren heartily invite ministering brethren to call and preach for us, for the harvest is great and the laborers are few. We are praying that the Lord may send laborers into the harvest. Pray for us so that we may have strength to hold out to the end, and obtain the crown. Come and help us. I am the only one within a stretch of one hundred miles that is trying to preach to the brethren in public – I hope there are many preaching privately and to private individuals. We will again say come and help us. The Lord is here and wills that souls may be saved, and is blessing us with abundant of health and harvests. We have plenty of the products of the earth and to spare. God is blessing us with an abundance of rain. The church was organized south-west of Hutchison 22 miles, in Reno Co. – Any of the brethren coming by way of the A. T. & San F. R. R. will find Bro. and sister Hartman in Hutchison, by inquiry, and will be cared for and conveyed to meeting places. Pray for us that we may keep house in the fear of God. Yours in the Lord. S. H. Fishel.
The Gospel
Messenger March 10, 1886 page 157 Vol. 23 No. 10 The Gospel Messenger March 23, 1886 page 189 Vol. 24 No. 12 Good News. We, the members of the Salem church, Reno Co., Kan., commenced a series of meetings on the evening of Feb. 18, and on the 20th, Jacob Trostle and L. Hillery came and labored with us until March 1. Four were baptized and four received by letter. Others were almost persuaded. May they soon come into the fold. During these meetings we held our quarterly council. Considerable business came up before the meeting, but we think all of it was disposed of in love. A few Brethren that have located south of Hutchinson, desired to organize a church there. Bro. Hillery brought the matter before our church, and the request was granted. So our district will soon be divided again and the Brethren there will soon organize a church of their own. They have twenty-six members, and two deacons. The northern part of this district was cut off last fall, and now the eastern part, but still we have sixty-three members in our church, five deacons, and four ministers, with Bro. Jacob Trostle as our elder. We expect to be represented at our District Meeting by a delegate. On the evening of the 28th of February, we held our prayer-meeting. The subject was influence, and the way our sisters spoke caused their influence to bring one precious soul into the fold. Pray for us. L. E. Fahrney Sterling, Kan.