Newton Church (1917-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 26, 1918 page 59 Vol. 67 No. 4 NEWTON, KANSAS December was a month full of rich spiritual blessings at this place. Dec. 2 Brethren Morris, Naylor, Ikenberry and Sisters Morris and Cullen, members of the McPherson Mission Band, were with us. Bro. Morris preached an excellent sermon. In the afternoon they gave a missionary program at one of our country places of worship. In the evening they gave a similar program here in the city, each one having a special subject. Their music at all these services was very fine. We were impressed with the responsibility to our foreign fields as well as to the work at home. An offering was given the band. Any church desiring a good missionary stimulant, should invite this band to visit them. Preliminary steps had been taken to divide the Newton church into two organizations. Dec. 15 a called meeting was held. Brethren E. E. John, J. J. Yoder and C. A. Eshelman, of McPherson, met with us, fully to organize us here in Newton. We chose the name, "The Newton City Church," and have thirty-four charter members. Bro. W. A. Kinzie, of McPherson, was chosen as our elder; Brethren M. Royer, A. L. Snowberger and J. Dudte, trustees; Bro. J. Dudte, clerk; the writer, "Messenger" agent and correspondent. Other items of business for the welfare of the new organization were discussed. Being without a resident pastor, Bro. C. A. Eshelman, of McPherson, has been preaching for us. Dec. 16 he gave a special message to our young people. In the afternoon we met at the church for baptismal services. One young man was baptized. Bro. Eshelman, two sisters and the writer visited our afflicted sister, Lucy Miller, at one of our hospitals. While there, we, with some of her relatives, had a season of worship for her, which cheered her very much. Dec. 23 Bro. Eshelman could not be with us, as he was engaged in a series of meetings at Madison, Kans. After the Sunday-school hour, a Christmas program was given by the Sunday-school. The usual treat was given them. An offering of $10.14 was lifted for the poor Armenians. The contents of our birthday bank for the last quarter will also be given to this worthy cause, making a total of $13.50. Last Sunday our elder, Bro. W. A. Kinzie, gave us an excellent sermon. Closing the year, as we have, with a new organization, he gave us many good ideas as to our work for the coming year. In the afternoon we met in council, with Bro. Kinzie presiding. Sister Lena Romine was chosen superintendent of the Sunday-school. Quite a number of committees were elected for various lines of work. The church building needs some repairs, which will be attended to in the near future. We are looking forward to a brighter future and hope that much good may yet be accomplished at this place. Mrs. Lizzie A. Lehman. 408 E. Fifth Street, Newton, Kans., Jan. 4.