New Hope Church 1889-1924?)
Gospel Messenger Sept. 24, 1889 page 603-604 Vol. 27, No. 38 From Neutral, Kans. The members of this little band met in council on Saturday, Aug. 31. The business of the meeting was to arrange for a love-feast, and to effect an organization. The new organization took upon itself the name, "New Hope." They had one resident minister in the first degree, Bro. A. B. Lichtenwalter, and also one deacon, Bro. Shepherd Capron. They decided to hold an election at the love-feast Sept. 7, for a minister and a deacon. This was done. The lot for minister fell upon Bro. Frank Fornaman. In the choice for deacon, two were so near a tie, that the matter was submitted to the church, and they said (and I think wisely too), "Install both." Their names are Daniel Burger and Norman Nice. These brethren were then installed into their respective offices. Bro. A. B. Lichtenwalter was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. They made choice of Bro. Samuel Edgecomb, of McCune, Crawford Co., as their elder. These members unanimously agree to work with the general Brotherhood. The bounds of the organization are within Cherokee County, Kans., and take in the members about Neutral, and also those in and about Columbus. This new organization, though not so large in numbers as some, yet seem hopeful, as their adopted name, "New Hope" would indicate. While they may feel, at present, as if they were too weak to cope with influences around them, yet they should remember that one only who has Christ to help, always has a majority. It was the privilege of the writer to spend a little over one week with them, and while the meetings were small, because of other meetings in the same village, still we were made to feel as if the efforts of the few members here were not in vain. The principles of the Truth, being eternal, must stand. While at Neutral I was called upon to witness the very sudden death of Bro. Norman and sister Sophia Nice's little son, only a little over two years old. He was playing, as usual, in the morning, and between five and six o'clock P. M., he left for the glory world. Oh! how heavy the stroke! But the Lord knows best, therefore we must submit. The love-feast was an occasion of joy to all those who participated, as far as we were able to judge from appearances. Two were baptized. To-day, Sept. 9, the writer is in Columbus, the County seat of Cherokee County. I preached here last night in the M. E. church to a very full house of attentive hearers. We expect to have preaching at the same place again to-night. Tomorrow the appointment is out in the country at the Bethlehem house, where I will remain until Friday morning. From there I go to McPherson, and then home. The weather has been rather dry here for some time past, but there have been some pleasant showers recently. The brethren, sisters and people generally, in this country, are ready to bid a hearty welcome to all good people to come and locate among them. A. Hutchison. |