Mount Zion Church (1882-1899?)
The Primitive Christian Feb. 7, 1882 page 94-95 Vol. 20 No. 6 From Mapleton, Bourbin Co., Kansas. Dear Brethren: - In consequence of many hindrances and serious opposition, well known by many of the brethren and sisters of my acquaintance, I had abandoned the labors of the ministry for more than one year, which news I am aware was received with deep regret by many. For their satisfaction and encouragement, I wish to inform them that I have again resumed the labors of the ministry, and with new year have formed a new resolution to labor more earnestly for the Master’s cause that ever, with God’s help. On Friday previous to New Year’s day, in company with Bro. Wm. Stockmyer and wife I went over to Paint Creek, had meeting hat evening. Next day in company with M. D. Watson, A. Numer and others, went over to Allen co., (where M. D. Watson had labored with much success last winter, where we organized the Mount Zion church, consisting og twenty-eight members, and finding the church ready we also held a choice for two deacons. The lot fell on brother John Richards and Wm. Welchel. May the Lord prosper the new organization. We preached for them Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. On Monday returned to Paint Creek where Bro. Stockmyer kept up the interest until our return. When the brethren put the yoke on your correspondent I remained two weeks, and by the blessing of the Lord, had a refreshing season. Three received by baptism, but best of all we feel that reconciliation and peace were restored among the members which has been a long felt want growing out of continued and aggravating difficulties among some of the leading characters in the church, so much so that the credit of the church has become very much impaired. But thanks be God, we feel that a better state of affairs exists, and we fondly hope that in the future we may have a more prosperous times. Fraternally, M.T. Baer, Jan. 22 |