Monitor Church (1890 - )
The Gospel Messenger May 6, 1890 p 285 Vol. 28 No. 18 A New Organization A Petition having been presented to the McPherson church, saying that the west arm of said church be detached, and formed into a separate church organization, elders J. D. Trostle and D. Vaniman met in council with the members of said territory, on Monday morning, April 21, and an organization was effected, know as the “Monitor church.” After prayer and reading of the Scriptures, with suitable comments upon the same, the object of the meeting was stated, and J. D. Trostle was chosen as Moderator, and G. G. Lehmer as Secretary. A vote was then taken to ascertain whether all were willing to be organized as a church, subject to the Gospel, as understood and applied by the Annual Conference of the German Baptist or Brethren Church. this was unanimously agreed to. The church was then declared organized, and proceeded to elect its usual church officers. Bro. J. D. Trostle was chosen as elder for the present. Brethren Geo. E. Studebaker and S. G. Lehmer are to serve the church in the ministry. Bro. Geo. E. Studebaker represents the church at the coming Annual Meeting. Thus was organized the Monitor church, and we can truly say it was one of the most pleasant meetings we ever attended. Unanimity of sentiment and kindly Christian feeling characterized the work of the day, and we trust that these but bespeak for the little church a glorious future. That she may be a “Monitor,” not in name only, but in deed and in truth, should be the prayer of all! G. G. Lehmer, Sec. McPherson, Kans.