Maple Grove Church (1879-)
Primitive Christian & Pilgrim July 22, 1879 p 462 Vol. XVII No. 29 From the Maple Grove Church Dear Brethren: By request I will give you a few items from this congregation, as there are many looking anxiously to see something from the Maple Grove Colony.
We met
in church council on the 23d of May, 1879, to more fully organize a church. Our
ministerial force the consisting of N. C. Workman, elder, Michael Lichty in the
second degree of the ministry. Samuel Plougher, E. E. Monroe, C. Strayer, Isaac
Harader and S. R. Holsinger, deacons. C. Strayer is our treasurer, I. Harader,
Asst. S. R. Holsinger, secretary, and J. Blue, This church numbers about thirty members and many more contemplate coming after harvest, which is partly over here. A good deal of the fall wheat is cut. It is a fair crop, and it is though will yield from 20 to 30 bushels per acre. Prospects for a corn crop are very good. The best land in this county is taken, yet there is still remains some to be taken. – This is a beautiful location and everyone seems to be well pleased with it. We have located a church and graveyard on Bro. John Blue’s timber claim, he donating four acres of land for that purpose. Decided at last council to begin to erect a church house there on the 15th of July. The material to be Kansas Brick. Dimensions 15x30 feet in the inside. Walls 3 feet in thickness and 10 feet high in the centre. The prospect for a railroad in the near future is good. The surveyors having been at work in this county for the last week. The immigration into this country and into counties west still continues quite lively. People seem anxious to learn all about the Brethren or German Baptist Church, and calls for preaching come in from different pints. More laborers in the Master’s vineyard could fine employment here, thought we expect to have five ministers here soon. The Primitive makes us weekly visits regularly now, and wising it and all our church periodicals much success, I will close for the present. S. R. Holsinger. Norton, Kan.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 30, 1897 page 78 Maple Grove church, Kans. – The regular quarterly council occurred Jan. 9, Brethren J. P. Nofziger, of Nebraska, and John Wertz, of Quinter, Kans., were with us. A choice was held for a minister. The lot fell on Bro. George Friend, who was installed into office. Our elder, J. R. Garber, request to be relived from the oversight of this church, which was granted, and John Wertz chosen elder. The preached three soul- cheering sermons while with us. Our Sunday school was partially re-organized by electing Bro. G. M. Thorne, Superintendent. – Aldula Thorne, Norton, Kans.