Lone Star Church (1921 - )
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 8, 1921 page 29 Vol. 70 No. 2 Lone Star church having been built in the Washington Creek congregation, asked for and was granted the privilege of a separate organization. For this purpose they met in council Dec. 21. With Brethren L. L. Hoover and John Ward, of Appanoose. Bro. C. A. Ward was chosen elder; Bro. J. W. Gorbutt, clerk. We decided to hold our first council meeting Jan. 15 and elect other officers. The Sunday-school completed its own organization Dec. 26, with Bro. J. W. Gorbutt, superintendent. We had a very impressive program at the church on Christmas Eve. We are indebted to Bro. L. H. Griffith for some very good sermons. He has been preaching for us each Sunday evening for about three months. We have a committee who will do what they can to secure a minister for the next year. – Mrs. J. W. Gorbutt, Lawrence, Kans., Dec. 27.