Larned City Church (1912-1916?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 21, 1912 page 816 Vol. 61 No. 51 Larned Mission. – Nov. 26 we met to effect an organization. Bro, H. T. Brubaker, of Lyons. Kans., and Bro. M. Keller, of the South Larned church, assisted in the work. Bro. Brubaker conducted the devotional exercises. We decided to be known as the Larned City congregation. Officers were elected as follows: Bro. J. Edwin Jones, elder in charge; Bro. F, M. Shirk, clerk: Bro. H. H, Kimmel, treasurer; Bro. E. S. Fox, trustee for three years, Bro, C. L. Burger for two years, and Bro. H. H. Kimmel for one year. Brethren John Brunk and C. L. Burger were called to the deacon's office. Bro. Brunk, with his wife, was installed the same evening. Bro. Burger and wife were Installed on the Sunday following the organization, Dec. 1.—Pearl Parker, 423 East Sixth Street, Larned, Kans., Dec. 9. |