Larned Church (1905-1961?)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 9, 1905 page 572 Vol. 44 No. 36 Eden Valley congregation met in council Aug. 26, with our elder, G. W. Weddle, presiding. Seven were received by letter and one letter was granted. Decided to divide the congregation, as the territory was too large for one congregation, as the territory was too large for one congregation. Collected for home mission work, $12.60. Decided to hold love feast Oct. 28, and to have a series of meeting following if they could procure a minister at that time. District meeting will be held at the new church six miles south of Larned, Oct. 17 and 18. That church is unorganized on account of the dividing of the congregation. – Cassie Martin, Larned, Kans., Aug. 28.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1905 page 620 Vol. 44 No. 39 Larned church was organized Sept. 16, 1905. Elders Henry Brubaker and Mose Mishler conducted the organization. The church and Sunday-school officers were elected; also officers for the Christian Workers’ meeting. Bro. G. W. Weddle was chosen as our elder. It was decided to elect a minister in the near future. Larned church is located six miles south of Larned, Kans. We have seventy-five members. The church granted Sister Stella Weaver a letter of recommendation so that she could solicit funds for the orphans’ home in Oklahoma. The district meeting will be held in our church Oct. 17 and 18. The Sunday-school meeting will be held Monday evening. Oct. 16. – Cassie Martin, Larned, Kans., Sept. 20.