Labette Co. Church (Altamont) (1878-1901)
Brethren at Work 01-30-1879 p 8 Vol. IV No. 5 From Labette Co., Kansas Brother Sydney Hodgden came to us on the 27th of December, and labored with us until the 2nd of January. He worked hard for the good cause, and made a lasting impression, as bread cast upon the waters will be gathered many days hence. It has been over one year since he preached in this country. The members had become cold and careless, and the first was to get them all right. We called a council meeting at sister Chrisbaum’s house. Opened meeting by singing and prayer; then brother Gish read the 12th chapter of Romans. Brother Hodgden then proposed to organize a church. As it is the first in Kansas we name it the Labette County church, composed of twenty-four members. Brother Joel Kenberry and the writer are in the first degree of the ministry. Brother Hodgden has the oversight of this congregation. Oh, if we had many more brother Hodgdens, good earnest laborers as he is, the Gospel would soon be preached where it is not known. S. D. Reniker. Oswego, Kan., Jan. 13, 1889
Brethren at Work April 10, 1879 page 8 Vol. IV No. 15 From Oswego, Labette Co., Kan. Dear Brethren: - Please correct my letter of January. We would have it read, “the first church organized in Labette county, Kansas.” Not the first in Kansas. To the Brethren coming to Kansas to get homes, when you get here, look out for the land sharks. You can do much better by seeing the Brethren first. We have a good country here, and a good prospect for building up a church. S. D. Reniker. (Primitive Christian, Please copy) March 22nd, 1879.