Independence Church (1883-)
The Gospel Messenger August 8, 1931 page 21 Vol. 80 No. 32
On the 19th day of November, 1883, a few members met to perfect an organization for the Church of the Brethren in Independence, Kans. The elder in charge at this meeting was Sydney Hodgden. At that time this present site was rural. The organization was completed with Eld. Hodgden as the first presiding elder, and Jacob Senseman as secretary. Jacob Senseman had investigated the price of certain lots which the new organization considered, and reported that two lots could be gotten for the price of one hundred and twenty dollars. The newly organized church authorized the purchase of these lots which are the ones on which this new structure stands. The first trustees appointed were Caleb Fogel, Jonas Beeghly and Jacob Senseman. The first treasurer was elected in 1884 in the person of Samuel Havener. At that time the church was organized under the name of the German Baptist Church. The foundation for the old church was completed in 1884 and the house built in 1885. Mr. I. D. Oberholtzer was one of the workmen on the old church in 1885 and now he is the superintendent of construction on the new building under construction. The first council meeting was held in the church July 25, 1885. The regular quarterly council was begun in 1886. The total cost of the old church complete was a little less than $1,200. For the space in time of forty-six years the old church stood on this corner as one of the old landmarks. During these years the old church has been the site of many happy occasions, and as well, several sad ones. The old church has stood to see Independence grow from a small village to a city. It grew to and beyond the old churchhouse. The city has grown until the new church located on the same spot is in one of the best residential districts of our beautiful little city. This church desires to take her place in the city, along with the other churches, in the program of saving souls for the kingdom of God. The Church of the Brethren has always been a friendly church. She stands for evangelical Christianity; she believes in law observance. Her program aims to foster the spirit of Christian fellowship and peace and goodwill among men.. Since January; 1931, D. J. McCann has been serving as pastor and presiding elder. The General Mission Board is helping support the work here. This new structure is a memorial to the Empfield family. Abraham Empfield was one of the first members to desire to build a new modern church. At his death a few years_ ago this was not accomplished. But his good wife, Mrs. Rebecca Empfield, saw to it that her husband's desires were carried out. In 1924 she started a building fund. Her first deposit was $4,985.75 in 1924. July 1, 1931, it amounted to $10,954.99, and made possible a new church. Independence, Kans. D. J. McCann. |