Gravel Hill Church (1936-1973?)
The Gospel Messenger May 16, 1936 page 27 Vol. 85 No. 20
Gravel Hill church, formerly a mission of the Verdigris church, was organized as
a separate congregation April 20, 1936, with Elder C. Ernest Davis in charge,
assisted by Eld. D. P Neher. Eld.. S. e. Lantz (retired), who for many years
ministered at both place, gave some timely advice in a short talk. The mission
work was carried on for may years at Sunnyside schoolhouse, with services
occasionally, but following a series of meetings conducted by J. D. McCann in
1930, the group moved to the Gravel Hill schoolhouse. Since then services have
been held continuously, first at the schoolhouse and later at the church which
was dedicated June 10, 1934. Officers are ; elder and pastor in charge Oscar R.
Fike; clerk, Clara Kaufman; treasurer, Joe Phillips; trustees, E. LO. Endsley,
C. F. Oldham, W. J. Kaufman, Homer Reed, Ed Birk; Sunday-school superintendent,
W. J. Kaufman, president of Aid Society, Minnie Oldham. President of B. Y. P.
D., Marie Dressler; president of mothers’ club, Barbara Fike; director of
children’s department, |