Garden City Church (1906-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 22, 1906 page 604 Vol. 45 No. 38 Garden City church met in council Aug. 18, with Elders M. Keller and Homer Ullom for the purpose of organizing us into a church, we formerly being a part of the Prairie View church. We are to be known as the Garden City Brethren church. Eld. S. E. Thompson was chosen as our elder. Brethren L. A. Phillips, Wampler and Gump are trustees. The writer is corresponding secretary. We have twenty-six members, two ministers and four deacons. We have an interesting Sunday school, preaching every Sunday. Christian Workers’ meeting each Sunday evening, and midweek prayer meeting. the average attendance at S. S. for the last quarter is thirty-five. Garden City is a mission point, the mission board having placed Bro. S. E. Thompson here in April, 1904. Prior to that time the Brethren had done very little preaching in Garden City. The work was begun with but one family besides Bro. Thompson’s family. The outlook for the Garden City church is very encouraging. Any members who think of changing location might do well to consider this place. There is a move on foot to build a churchhouse.- Nellie Reisen, Garden City, Kans., Sept. 3
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 31, 1907 page 556 Vol. 46 No. 35 Garden City church is one year old today. Aug. 18, 1906, we were organized into a working body with a membership of twenty-six. Today we have thirty-six members. A few have moved here and have not yet presented their letters; that would make us a total membership of forty-seven. Today we held our harvest meeting. at the close of the morning sermon we held a collection for our home district mission work, amounting to $27.41. We decided to have the Sunday-school birthday offering go to home district mission also, amount of $6.76, making a total of $34.17. We expect Prof. Harnley to give us a lecture next Sunday, Aug. 26. We expect Bro. F. H. Crumpacker to begin a series of meetings for us, to continue over our love feast, which will be Sept. 7. The church at Santa Fe, where we still preach once a month, is badly in need of a minister to located among them. – S. C. Thompson, box 64, Garden City, Kans., Aug. 18. |