Fort Scott Church (1891-1902?)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 20, 1891 page 651 Vol. 29 No. 41 The series of meetings, as agreed on, commenced at the Paint Creek church, Kans., Sept. 12. Elders John H. Neher and S. Click were present at the beginning, but elders Jacob Appleman, Samuel Edgecomb and Jesse Studebaker came afterwards. All held forth the Word with power and spirit, so that both saint and sinner received their due portion. The attendance was large, and close attention was paid. Sept. 19, two dear souls were immersed. On the evening of Sept. 19, the love-feast was held. The meetings closed on the evening of the 20th, with a good interest. The series of meetings at Ft. Scott began on the evening of Sept. 23, at the United Brethren church, and was conducted by brethren J. Appleman, Samuel Edgecomb and John H. Neher. The attendance was good each evening, and the audience was well entertained by the powerful sermons preached by the brethren. The ministerial force was later on augmented by brethren S. Click and Geo. E. Wise. On Saturday, Sept. 26, the meetings commenced In my lumber-shed, and the organization of the members of the eastern part of the County, into a separate church, was completed. It will be known as the Fort Scott, Kans., church. There was no election held for minister, but Eld. John H. Neher, of Crawford County, Kans., was chosen as our elder. The writer was elected to the office of deacon. Twenty-six members enrolled in this arm of the church when we organized. Bud one dear brother was baptized just before the lovefeast, Sept. 26. He belongs to the Nevada, Mo., church. One young sister came out on the Lord's side on Sunday, Sept. 27, and was also baptized. This makes twenty-seven members for our church here, and the prospects are good for several more. We had a glorious feast on the evening of Sept. 26. The members were all built up and sinners edified. The shed was well tilled, but the best of order prevailed. Many had never seen our members commune previous to that occasion. We expect to hold another series of meetings, commencing about Dec. 28, and desire ministerial help. We also extend a cordial invitation to all members, passing through our place, to stop with us when convenient, and especially do we request the ministering brethren to so arrange their matters, as to preach for us as often as possible. We have our regular appointments on the first Sunday of each month, and our prayer-meeting and Bible class the second, third, fourth and fifth Sundays. All appointments are at 11 A. M., at the home of the undersigned. "We are thus ready, on any Sunday, to have preaching. Brethren, pray for us, that our little band, here in Ft. Scott, will prove faithful, and that we may show, by our walk, that we are working for the Master. Do not only pray for us, but come and help us build up the cause, here in the City Any one wishing to stop with us will, by dropping me a card, be met at the train. A. B. Fisher. Fort Scott, Kans., Oct. 1.