Eden Valley Church (1880-)
Brethren at Work March 30, 1880 page 8 Vol. V No. 13 Larned Church. While I was in South-western Kansas I was called upon by the scattered members of Larned, Great Bend and surrounding county, to organize them into a church. We met in the Eden Valley school-house on the Feb. 28th, 1880, and found Abraham Flora, formerly of Carroll Co., Indiana, is their only speaker, who now lives in Larned, on the Santa Fe. R. R., where the members of our church will find a warm reception and generous hearts. Brother and sister Flora have a large house and barn, and, comparatively, their hearts are as large, and they very much desire the brethren to visit them. In our effort to organize, it was requested that there should be more help in the ministry, so after the members present were requested to hand in their letters, which were read, all expressed their willingness to be organized into a congregation, being in love and union. A clerk was then appointed, and on inquiry it was ascertained there were two deacon, and need for more was expressed, also another minister, so the members present cast votes and the choice fell on brethren Michael Moorhead for minister and Charles Martin for deacon. Their installation brought forth many tears of sympathy with exhortations for their success in the work of the Lord. Two fallen members were restored to the fellowship of the church. The duties of the elect being defined, it was then agreed to call the new organization the Larned Church, which now consists of twenty-four member in all; two minister and three deacons. We felt that the brethren on whom the lots fell were well chosen, and we pray that the Lord may make them useful in this church, that great grace may be given them, that they be instrumental in bringing many into the Kingdom of Christ. This congregation is the most South-western of any in the State of Kansas. On the south and west the boundary line is the State line. May God bless this little flock and add daily to its number such as shall be saved. May they be kept from the evil that is in the world until the Son shall present them holy and blameless before the Father and his holy angels and receive the reward of the righteous. We commend them, with us, into thy holy care and keeping, O God. P. R. Wrightsman
Brethren at Work Sept. 21 1880 page 8 Vol. V No. 38 Whereas Bro. A. Flora (minister) and most of the members of the Brethren Church at Larned, Kansas, have moved away, therefore the brethren in church council considered it advisable to change the name of our church organization from Larned, to Eden Valley, this being the name adapted by the community for the valley where most of the members of our organization reside. Our post office is Great Bend, Barton Co., Kansas. Eden Valley is ten desire traveling ministering brethren to stop with and preach for us. If they give us timely notice we will meet them at Great Bend. Michael Moorhead.
The Gospel Messenger May 13, 1905 page 302 Vol. 44 No. 19 Eden Valley church met in council April 29, our elder, G. W. Weddle, presiding. Eighteen were received by baptism immediately after the council. Our new churchhouse, in the western part of our congregation, was dedicated on Easter Sunday; dedication services were conducted by Eld. J. J. Yoder, of Conway, Kans. A large crowd was at the dedication. We had a week’s meeting following the dedication, conducted by our home minister. – Cassie Martin, Larned, Kans., May 2.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 9, 1905 page 572 Vol. 44 No. 36 Eden Valley congregation met in council Aug. 26, with our elder, G. W. Weddle, presiding. Seven were received by letter and one letter was granted. Decided to divide the congregation, as the territory was too large for one congregation, as the territory was too large for one congregation. Collected for home mission work, $12.60. Decided to hold love feast Oct. 28, and to have a series of meeting following if they could procure a minister at that time. District meeting will be held at the new church six miles south of Larned, Oct. 17 and 18. That church is unorganized on account of the dividing of the congregation. – Cassie Martin, Larned, Kans., Aug. 28.