Cottonwood Church (1856-1912)
The Gospel Messenger No. 2, 1912 page 700 Vol. 61 No. 44 Cottonwood—This is supposed to be the oldest Brethren church In Kansas. The congregation, organized in 1860, has had many ups and downs. At one time, from about 1890 to 1900. it numbered over 100 members, In 1903 when I was elected to the ministry, there were six ministers, but at present the church ha-s only about two dozen members, and they are scattered over a large territory. There is a good church building here, but It has not been used for three or four years. We have been keeping up a mission point at a schoolhouse near our home, at which place eleven members have been baptized within the last five years. Three of them were of my own family, of whom several have moved away. But when we consider what has been accomplished at other place. In the Lord's vineyard, we take courage and praise his holy name, While we have disowned a few, our greatest losses have been gains to other congregations.—Frank Sargent, Dunlap, Kans., Oct. 19. |