Conway Springs Church (Slate Creek) (1878-1967)
Brethren at Work June 27, 1878 page 8 Vol. II No. 26 From Swedonia, Kansas Dear Brethren: - Elder I. Buck paid the Southern Churches a visit this Spring. I met Bro. Buck in the Silver Church, on the 2nd of May, where I found the brethren and sisters all well and alive to the cause. This little church is in a healthy condition; all alive to the great interests of Master. Bro. J. J. Troxel was advanced to the second degree of office; held a choice for a speaker, and the lot fell on L. E. Pricket, a very interesting young brother. I think they are in a good working condition; while there one was added by Baptism. They number some 18 or 20 members. From the Silver Creek Church, in Cowley county, Elder Buck came to Sumner county on Slate Creek. When we arrived we heard that Joseph Basher was here, and had preached there on Thursday evening. We continued the meetings until Monday evening. On Saturday evening Bro. George Thomas, from McPherson Co., came to our assistance, and the result of their labors was, that three souls come out on the Lord’s side, and were baptized on the Sunday following. On the 6th we organized a church and elected two deacons – Bro. A. Holloway and J. R. Rowel. I think both are worthy members. We call this the Slate Creek Church. W number twenty-five members, with four deacons and a minister in the second degree office; we have regular meetings. We have a good country. Wheat is all the one could wish. Corn promises to be good. Oats an average crop. We commenced to harvest on the 26th of May. J. Troxel.
The Gospel Messenger Mar. 23, 1886 Vol.. 24, No. 12, p. 189 From Conway Springs, Sumner Co. Kan. We are glad to say the prospects are brightening for the Slate Creek congregation. At least we think we are in a fair way to have some troubles removed, that have been hanging over the church, and that have operated somewhat against the advancement of the cause of Christ. We are now engaged in building a house of worship in the town of Conway Springs. This is something that we felt very much in need of, and it was only because we saw the need of such a house, that we undertook to build it at the present time, as the condition of the Slate Creek congregation, financially speaking, is such, that to raise the funds necessary to complete the house, will be somewhat difficult. The Brethren, so far, have, in a general way, responded liberally. Some of the citizens of the town have also done well. We still, however, need money to have the house completed, and hope the Brethren will not let the work lag now for the want of the necessary funds. Bro. John N. Gripe, who came here from Ind., about a year ago, has, with his family, returned to their old home in the Hoosier State. We were sorry to have Bro. John leave us but we hope he may be satisfied. Bro. Jacob Hepner of Montgomery Co., O., is now stopping with his sons-in-law, having arrived here on the evening of Feb. 24th. His object in coming was to buy a homestead for himself and family, with a view to making this his future home. Being a man of business capacity, he was not long in suiting himself, and he bought a quarter-section, two miles east of town. Bro. Hepner does not contemplate coming here for a year, to stay; he started for his home, in Ohio, the 2nd of March. We have plenty of room for more like Bro. Jacob, and we think the most fastidious can satisfy himself here, but people do not all see alike. We wish the MESSENGER the blessing of God. William Johnson