Brazilton Church (1898 - ?)
The Gospel Messenger July 2, 1898 page 414 Vol. 36 No. 26 Organization of the Brazilton Church, Kansas. The limits of this church comprise the north half of Crawford County, Kans. After a grant of territory by the Osage church, the members in the vicinity of Brazilton met in council June 18,to complete an organization to be known as the Brazilton Church. The meeting was in charge of our elder, A. L. Boyd. The following officers were then selected: Church clerk, Bro. Rufus Robinson; treasurer, Bro. J. W. Wampler; trustees, Ellsesser Wampler and S. Crumpacker. Sister Luella Robinson was chosen Gospel Messenger agent and correspondent. The meeting adjourned to meet again in council on Saturday before the third Sunday in September at 2 o’clock. Our prayer is, that the work done may meet the approbation of God, and that every member may be a lively stone and living epistle for Jesus. T. A. Robinson, July 19