Bethel Church (1893-1901?)
The Gospel Messenger May 17, 1892 page 318 Vol. 30 No. 20 Sawyer, Kans. – The Brethren of Mingona congregation, Barber Co., met in quarterly council April 2. Everything was done with the best of feeling. We elected two delegates to the District Meeting, viz, Brethren J. Shamberger and N. F. Brubaker. A proposition was made to divide the congregation and unanimously accepted. The line was drawn six miles south line of Pratt County. April 23 the Pratt County met and organized under the name of the Bethel church. We now number twenty-eight members with two ministers and one deacon. J. H. Miller
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 8, 1892 page 700 Vol. 30 No. 44 Sawyer, Kans. - The love-feast of the Bethel church, Pratt Co., passed off pleasantly. Bro. John Wise, of Conway Spring, preached one week before the feast. We hope the good seed sown will bring forth its fruit in due season. The minister present at the feast were brethren Wise, Smith, Bower, Shamberger and A. F. Miller. Bro. Miller officiated. There was a choice held for two weeks deacons. The lot fell on Jacob Blickenstaff and David Ginder. We hope they will be faithful to their calling. Bro. Daniel Gilbert and wife, Bro. Jacob Brubaker and wife, and Bro. Ezra Brubaker and wife, all of Illinois, were present. In all there were sixty-three at the table. – J. H. Miller, Oct. 20. |