Belleville Church (1872-1957?)
Brethren at Work Nov. 1, 1881 page 669 Vol. 6 No. 42 From Catharine Gooch. – Dear Brethren and Sister: - Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh. Truly our love-feast was a feast to our souls. The Lord was with us. It was the first Love-feast that ever was held in this part of Kan., and the people seemed to be anxious to see, and to hear the gospel preached. Oh how we all labored to get ready for our meeting so that everything would be done in order. Our meeting was held in a shed at our residence. Some of the brethren and some of our neighbors came together and my husband and they soon erected the shed. It was finished on Friday eve, and the next morning the sun rose in all her beauty, and we were favored with a lovely day. About 11 o’clock the people assembled. At 2 o’clock our meeting commenced, and I was made to thank of the goodness of God, to me and mine, in giving us health and strength to make preparation for this meeting. I prayed for this, and I believe the Lord did give me strength. Dear brethren and sisters when we get our spiritual strength renewed we often forget our bodily infirmities. We are much built up and encouraged since our dear brother Lemuel Hillery and family have settled among us. Oh let the whole Brotherhood pray for them that their labors may be blessed in this part of God’s moral vineyard, and that they many live long here in our community, that many souls may be added unto the church by their faithfulness to God. We are but few in number and scattered over a wide territory; but we feel thankful to say that the same God that rules and watches over the large congregations east, watches over our small number here. He has told us where two or there are bet together in his name there he would be in their midst. The ministering brethren from afar were brother Landis from Osborn County, brother Switzer from White Rock, brother Deeter from Gravel Co., and brother Hoover from Nebraska; these brethren preached the work in its purity. We expect, if the Lord will, to appoint an elder over us at our next council meeting, as we are organized into a church now. We want an elder. Our church will be known as the Bellville church. We live nearer that town than any other; it is the county-seat of our county. When you travel and preach don’t to where there are so many ministering brethren, but come where there are a few and some places none. I have had some of the members tell me they have not heard a brother preach for two years. Oh it makes my heart ache for them! You that have enough of this world’s good and some to spare, do come and see our beautiful country, and preach for us and encourage us on our way to heaven. – Bellville, Kan., Oct. 16th. |