Appanoose Church (1880-190)
Brethren at Work Nov. 23, 1880 page 8 Vol. V No. 47Kansas Washington Creek. We had a series of meeting held by G. W. Cripe, and fourteen were added by baptism. They were all young people but one. There was much rejoicing among the saints and angels. But brother Cripe had to leave, and thus ended the glorious work, although others seemed near the kingdom. Since then we were on a little mission of love to the Eight Mile church, in Franklin Co., a few miles south of where Bro. Daniel Barnhart presides as Elder. It was thought best to divide the church, calling the west end Appanoose, with three speakers in the second degree and Bro. Jacob Keim as Elder, and the east end retaining the name Eight Mile church. Their troubles were disposed of some time before; they felt much relieved and desired a little series of meetings. We went there on Friday and Stayed till Wednesday, holding meeting in a village near Bro. Barnhart’s having large congregations and good attention for that place, Six united with the church. Held an election, resulting in choice of Bro. Samson Harshman for minister, and David Barnhart for deacon. Joseph Michael. Nov. 12th. |