Antioch Church (1889-1904)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 26, 1889 page 748 Vol. 27 No. 47 Bro. D. W. Stouder, of Madison, Kans. Writes: “Nov. 2, Bro. G. W. Studebaker, of Fredonia, Kans., came to us and commenced meetings at Pleasant View school house, thirteen miles east of Madison. He preached in all ten sermons. On Saturday, Nov. 9, we had a council and decided unanimously to organize a congregation, naming it Antioch. The election for church officers resulted as follows: Minister, Bro. Adam S Downing; Deacon, Bro. Wm. Wheeler; Secretary, sister Annie Downing; Treasurer, Bro. John Miller. Four were baptized upon this occasion. Others are near the kingdom. A little over a year ago we had but one member at that point. Now there are sixteen members. – a man and wife in each family. The Brethren have a good foundation laid for building up a prosperous church.
The Brethren Encyclopedia Vol. 1 Page 42-43 Antioch Church of the Brethren, KS, Located in Coffey Co. The first meetings were held NW. of Gridley in the Gravel Hill school during the late 1880’s by George W. Studebaker (1818-1905) and D. W. Stouder. These continued monthly. ON Nov. 9, 1889, the Antioch congregation was organized from parts of the Scott Valley and Verdigris congregations and by 1890 the membership had grown to thirty-two. When Antioch experienced some difficulties and was disorganized, the members transferred to Scott Valley and Verdigris. Stouder and Charles M. Yearout continued holding meetings for Antioch, and on Nov. 17, 1892, the congregation was reorganized. In 1893 Yearout became the elder and the membership grew to at least fifty. After Yearout left in 1896, the membership started moving away and Antioch was reported disorganized at the 1904 district meeting
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 13, 1892 page 773 Vol. 30 No. 49 A Voice from the West.
Bro. Aaron Heestand, of Neosho County, held a series of meeting with the Brethren near Gridley, Coffey Co., Kans., beginning Nov. 5, and continuing till the 17th. Wednesday, Nov. 16, was the time set for their love-feast, which was held at Bro. Adam Downing’s. Forty-five members surrounded the Lord’s Table and partook of the life-giving emblems. Bro. Heestand officiated. On Thursday the members met at Bro. Downing’s for the purpose of organizing. Owning to a storm, all the brethren and sisters did not get out. Those present unanimously desired to be organized, and promised to conform to, and carry out, the order of the church, according to the Gospel, as interpreted by Annual Meeting. The brethren organized under the name of Antioch. They have thirty-one members living within their territory; - nineteen of them formerly belonged to the Scott Valley congregation. The writer was selected to take oversight of the church; sister Anna Downing was chosen Secretary, and Bro. Wm. S. Wheeler was elected Treasurer. A choice was held for a deacon, and the lot fell on Bro. William Barnett. They have one minister (Adam Downing) in the second degree, and two deacons. Four dear souls came out from the world, and were baptized during the meeting. God bless the Antioch church, and may it become a power for good, in bringing many souls from darkness to light. Thursday, Nov. 24, we attended the feast of the Cedar Creek church. Quite a number of brethren and sisters were present from adjoining congregations. We had a pleasant feast. Bro. John Sherfy officiated. The next day was our Ministerial Meeting. Several propositions were presented for discussion, among which was, “How may we best Proceed to Dispense with Formality in Prayer, and in Opening and Closing Meeting?” Many good thoughts were presented on the above topic, and I think all present were edified, and encouraged in seeking to be more spiritual, realizing the meaning of our words, Prayer without spirit, is like the body without the soul, - dead1 May our Christian work, in all departments be a heart work! Chas. M. Yearout. Westphalia, Kans., Nov. 27