Abilene Church (1869-1940?)
The Primitive Christian Jan. 13, 1881 page 29 Vol. XIX No. 2 From Enterprise, Kansas Dec. 24, 1880 Dear Primitive: As an item of church news I wish to say that this district of Abilene, Dickinson county, Kan., saw fit to divide its territory into three districts as the ministry suited will for it. The Northern or Chapman Creek District has three ministers. The Middle or Abilene District has four ministers and the Southern District two. Each District has ordained elders who are alive to the cause of Christ. The Brethren held two series of meeting in this district in our school house of one week each. The result was three additions and other are counting the cost. For the satisfaction of many friends in the East, I would say that we have now been in this State about seventeen months and so far are well pleased with it. The wheat crop was fair last year and a bright prospect for a good crop next year. The corn crop this fall was poor in this immediate neighborhood but as good a little north of us as over I saw it. Health good ever since we have been here. Good water, cheap lands and the place for any one with a little capital and much better for those with none. We know nothing about suffering for the necessaries of life in this part of Kansas, but from what we have seen and heard from the frontier among the homesteaders farther west, the suffering must have been great and to a certain extent must be yet. From the geographical knowledge I have Kansas I would not encourage any one to go much farther west than where we are. At least I should not go beyond the second rain belt. Any one wishing to know more about Kansas by enclosing a stamp will receive a prompt answer. J. H. Baker
The Gospel Messenger Jam. 12. 1901 page 28 Vol. 39 No. 2 Gypsum. – The dedication of the new church at Holland, Kans., will be held on the third Sunday of January, 1901, at 11 o’clock A. M. The sermon will be preached by Bro. C. E. Arnold. – John Manon, Dec. 31.