Union Ridge Church (Hampton, Franklin County) (1890-1967)
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 4, 1891 page 476 Vol. 29 No. 30 Pressing Forward. —The members of the Franklin County church, Iowa, held their quarterly council July 11. Considerable business came before the meeting, which was disposed of satisfactorily. This church was organized Oct. 11, 1890. We have two ministers, Bro William Eikenberry in the first and Bro. Joseph M. Hanawalt in the second degree. We also have two deacons. We number thirty members in all. We chose for our elder, Bro. J. F. Eikenberry, of the Green church. We are now taking steps toward building a meeting-house, which we hope to accomplish iu the near future. We have a very interesting Sunday-school in progress. May the Lord help us to press forward iu the good work. We ask the prayers of the brethren and sisters everywhere in our behalf. — Mary C. Allen, Hansell, | Iowa. |