Sheldon Church (1888-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 27, 1888 page 747 Vol. 26 No. 47 Nov. 3 Bro. J. Early and the writer were called to Sheldon, O'Brien Co., to assist in organizing the little band of brethren and sisters there, into a body, so they could work in harmony with the general Brotherhood. A .goodly number met and, after stating the object of the meeting and getting the consent of all to organize, they presented their letters, which were read. They then proceeded to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer; also held a choice for two deacons. The lot fell upon brethren J. O. Kimmel and W. C. Kimmel. We hope they will magnify their office and purchase to them selves a great degree of boldness in the faith. They made no choice for minister at present. Bro. Tobias Myers is their minister, and also an elder. Bro. Early, previously holding the oversight, was relieved of his responsibility. They all agreed, without a dissenting voice, to labor for the general principles of the church, as understood and interpreted by our General Conference, I predict a bright future for the Sheldon church, as they have a good class of people surrounding them, and a very intelligent and wide-awake membership, mostly young, and, we hope, strong in the faith. They have a fine country,—I think there is no better in Iowa,—and Brethren coming west to locate, should visit O'Brien county. Homes can be purchased quite cheap, as the county is new yet. Sheldon is a thriving village with three railroads. I will further state, that the new organization was named the Sheldon congregation. J. W. Trostle.Kingsley, lIowa.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4, 1894 page 556Church Dedication. - The church at Sheldon, Sioux Co., Iowa, erected a neat little house of worship during the spring months, which was dedicated to the Lord on Sunday, Aug. 5, 1894. The house was well filled with attentive listeners. Bro. Moses Dierdorff, of Yale, Iowa, delivered the discourse, assisted in the service by Bro. J. E. Rolston and the writer. The Sheldon church has a membership of bout fifty lively workers scattered over several Countries. Hitherto they have had but one minister, - Bro. Tobias Myers. The field is large and a promising one, but has suffered for the want of ministerial help. Bro. Rolston has now located among the, and will help to push the work. With a new meetinghouse and the ministerial help they have now received. The members fill very much encouraged. They possess a very fine farming country and have good crops, considering the drought. Any ministering brethren, desiring to change location, will find a hearty welcome among the members of the Sheldon church. Any one wishing to correspond will address W. C. Kimmel, Sheldon, Iowa. – S. H. Miller, Waterloo, Iowa |