Salem Church (Leon) (1900-)
The Gospel Messenger April. 21, 1900 page 252 Vol. 38 No. 16 Mt. Etna. – The Mt. Etna church met in council April 7. We decided to have our spring love feast May 12. This church having a few members living near Lenox, Iowa, we decided to organize a church there. It will be attended to in the near future. – Nellie Bailey, April 10.
The Gospel Messenger May 5, 1900 page 284 Vol. 38 No. 18 Salem.— The members at this place met April 21 for the purpose of organizing into a working body. Eld. John P. Bailey, of the Mt. Etna congregation, was with us. On account of affliction Eld. M. Meyers could not be with us as expected. Hereafter we may be known as the Salem congregation. We now number seven members with one minister and one deacon. A committee was appointed to solicit funds for a churchhouse, a fine location having been donated by Bro. Mankin Wray as a free-will offering. Brother Wray was appointed treasurer for the congregation, and the writer clerk and corresponding secretary. Our first regular council will be held July 14, at which time we will choose a presiding elder.— Mamie Sink, Lenox, Iowa, April 27, |