Pleasant Ridge Church (1882 - ?)
Primitive Christian Nov. 28, 1882 page 732-733 Vol. XX No. 47 From Stanton, Montgomery Co., Iowa Dear Primitive: By you permission I will answer through you paper the many inquiries in regard to our new church and county. We arrived here on the 16th of March last, and shortly after commenced to hold meeting every two weeks, which have been well attended. On the second day of September we organized with ten members in full communion. We named our new church Pleasant Ridge congregation. We still continue our meeting and are about increasing our appointments. On last Sunday we had the pleasure of baptizing brother H. Shellenberger and wife, a class leader and Sunday school superintendent of the Evangelical congregation. It caused considerable commotion in the camp, but the work of the Lord moves on slowly and surely. Prospects are good for a strong working church in the near future. May the good Lord bless our new members as well as our whole brotherhood with the spirit of peace love, good will to all men. No one need be afraid to come here. People are kind and we promise one and all a kind reception on the basis of the gospel. In regard to our county, we have a beautiful, rolling country. Soil the very best. Land sells from $20 to $50 per acre, according to location and improvements. Splendid county for corn and grass, pretty good for small grains and very good for fruit of almost all kinds. Climate mild and healthy. Plenty of good water. Plenty of coal within twelve to fifteen miles. Market good as at other places. Red Oak, Stanton and Valisca are our market towns, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. In conclusion we invite brethren and friends to come and see us. Any further information wanted will be cheerfully given by addressing the undersigned at Stanton, Montgomery Co., Iowa. Isaac Barto