Pleasant Hill Church (1896-1908)
The Gospel Messenger May 23, 1896 page 333 Vol. 34 No. 21 Birmingham, Iowa.—The Pleasant Hill church met in council for the purpose of effecting a separate organization from the Libertyville church. Brethren John Gable and Flory were called to assist in the work. Other ministers present were Abram Wolf, James Glotfelty, Joseph Gilchrist, Daniel Zook and W. M. Glotfelty. The meeting passed off in love and harmony. Bro. Daniel Zook was chosen elder. The church decided to retain the name " Pleasant Hill." We also made arrangements for our love feast May 29. A cordial invitation is extended to all who have a desire to be with us. We also ask an interest in the prayers of all God's people.—J. T. Corner, May 9. |