Oak Grove Church (1889-1919?)
The Gospel Messenger June 30, 1890 page 326 Vol. 28 No. 21 From Oak Grove, Johnson Co., Iowa. We were privileged to meet with the above Brethren April 26, in church council, and I am glad to say that everything passed off pleasantly. They will send one delegate to District Meeting, and also to Annual Meeting. This church is only about one year old and consists of about thirty members, without a resident minister, and has been under the care of the Home Mission Board. Eld. J. S. Snyder has charge of this church. Two were baptized at this council,—husband and wife, who are just starting out in life, having been married only four weeks. This church concluded to take care of themselves, by paying ministers to come and preach for them, until some minister will move among them. All ministers of the Brethren will be welcome to stop and give them some meetings. Any one wishing to stop, will notify William Lichty, of Iowa City, or M. B. Cline, of Riverside, and they will be kindly cared for. J. C. Seibebt. |